Polsek Kalibunder Polres Sukabumi Sambang Warganya

    Polsek Kalibunder Polres Sukabumi Sambang Warganya
    Polsek Kalibunder Polres Sukabumi Sambang Warganya

    Sukabumi, August 4, 2023 - AIPDA Deni Hermawan, the Bhabinkamtibmas of Balekambang, conducted a Door to Door System (DDS) activity in Kp Citangkil, RT/RW 03/02, Balekambang Village, Kalibunder District.

    During the activity, AIPDA Deni Hermawan engaged with the local community to provide important information on crime prevention and safety measures. The focus of the DDS was to raise awareness about TTPO (Tindak Tindak Pidana Terpadu or Integrated Criminal Actions) and share valuable insights with the residents.

    Some key points highlighted during the DDS session included:

    1. Reporting TTPO: AIPDA Deni Hermawan emphasized the importance of promptly reporting any suspicious activities or criminal incidents to the authorities. He urged the residents and community leaders to be vigilant and cooperative in safeguarding their neighborhood.

    2. Preventing Theft and Scams: Residents were advised to take precautionary measures against theft of vehicles, valuable belongings, and potential online scams. AIPDA Deni Hermawan cautioned against trusting unrealistically cheap offers online and advised against sharing personal information or making transactions as directed by unknown individuals.

    3. Safeguarding Vehicles: To prevent vehicle theft and fraud, residents were advised to be cautious while renting their vehicles and not allowing underage individuals (below 17 years) to operate two-wheeled vehicles. Additionally, the installation of GPS tracking devices and not relinquishing vehicle keys were suggested as protective measures.

    4. Disaster Preparedness: AIPDA Deni Hermawan reminded the community about the importance of being prepared for natural disasters. He advised them to keep essential items such as blankets, important documents, and daily necessities in a readily accessible bag or backpack in case of emergencies.

    The DDS event was part of the community policing program initiated by the Chief of Police of Sukabumi, AKBP. Maruly Pardede, S.H., S.I.K., M.H, known as "Aa Dede" (Agamis, Aman, Dedikasi, Empati, Damai, Efektif dan Efisien), to promote a safer and more secure environment for all residents.

    AIPDA Deni Hermawan also urged the community to promptly report any suspected criminal activities or any significant incidents that may occur in the future. Residents were encouraged to reach out to Bhabinkamtibmas or the nearest police station, or they could use the 110 call center to report any such occurrences.

    The Door to Door System initiative proved to be an effective means of disseminating valuable information and fostering a stronger bond between the police and the community. The residents of Balekambang expressed their appreciation for the efforts made by AIPDA Deni Hermawan to ensure their safety and security.

    polres sukabumi polda jabar
    Aa Ruslan Sutisna

    Aa Ruslan Sutisna

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